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The Cicadas Are Coming

Now Available!

Since I left college, I have been observing periodical cicadas when I can. Now I have written a children's book about this amazing insect. Kids will be fascinated to learn about its wacky life cycle.

periodical cicada

Periodical cicadas emerge from their underground haunts after 17 years (13 years in parts of the South) as nymphs feeding on root sap.

Good news! The periodical cicadas will be emerging in this region after 17 long years underground. I wish I had known more about these insects, when they appeared in a friend's yard during my childhood.

I have written a children's book on these cicadas so that kids can get to know them better than I did. With the help of a kickstarter campaign the books are now available.

Periodical cicadas need protection. They are an incredible natural phenomenon, but some people try to get rid of them because there are so many of them. Unfortunately, some people may even confuse them with spotted lanternflies or think of them in the same poor light. Instead, they are a national treasure.


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